About Dr. Bagheri

Dr. Bagheri is a graduate of Harvard University (cum laude and class marshal) and the current Chief of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Northside Hospital in Atlanta. He is an internationally renowned surgeon, author and educator with over 100 publications including 4 textbooks, book chapters and peer reviewed citations. His textbooks are used world wide for board certification and resident education, and he is a frequent speaker at national and international events. Dr. Bagheri has been featured on TV and Radio.
Dr. Bagheri practices and serves the metropolitan Atlanta area at Georgia Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery, although frequently treating patients from all across the United States. He holds clinical appointments at three major universities and serves as an industry consultant for several innovative companies. A large portion of his patients are referred by other specialist including Oral Surgeons, dental and medical practitioners. He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery which is the pre-eminent peer reviewed publication in his fields.
Education and Experience
Dr. Bagheri received the honor of graduating cum laude and class marshal when he received his DMD from Harvard University. Dr. Bagheri earned his MD from the extremely competitive program at Emory University, where he also completed his residency in oral and maxillofacial surgery and internship in general surgery. Emory is nationally recognized as one of the top training programs in the country. He then completed his fellowship training in Cranio-Maxillofacial Trauma and Cosmetic Surgery.
Dr. Bagheri’s areas of specialization include facial cosmetic surgery, implant surgery, trauma, and reconstructive maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Bagheri is one of few surgeons in the United States that is trained in microneurosurgical repair of peripheral trigeminal nerve injuries with extensive publications on this topic. He is also one of few oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Georgia that qualifies for fellowship in prestigious American College of Surgeons (ACS). Fellow of the American College of Surgeons(ACS) indicates that Dr. Bagheri’s education and training, professional qualifications, surgical competence, and ethical conduct have passed a rigorous evaluation, and have been found to be consistent with the high standards established and demanded by the ACS.
Here and Abroad
Dr. Bagheri has lectured nationally and internationally on a variety of topics in facial surgery. He serves as editor of several peer reviewed surgical journals and has organized international lectureships for doctor education on many aspects of maxillofacial surgery. His current research projects involve microneurosurgery.
Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Bagheri SC, Jo C (Editors). Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Elsevier/Mosby publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 2007.
http://us.elsevierhealth.com. ISBN: 978-0-323-04574-2
With cases reflecting the classic presentation format of each disease process, this book prepares students for patient encounters during their oral and maxillofacial surgery rotations. It also helps residents learn and review "high yield" material that is commonly found in oral and maxillofacial training and on board examinations. It highlights clinical information that is commonly asked during rounds, in the operating room, and during examinations. For each case, it includes an overview of the most common clinical presentation, physical exam findings, diagnostic tools, complications, treatment, and a discussion of any controversial issues that may surround the case. The authors describe this book as "A little reach for the dental student, right on target for the OMS resident, and a strong refresher for OMS board certification."
Current Therapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Bagheri SC, Bell RB, Khan HA (Editors). Current Therapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Elsevier/Mosby publishing, Philadelphia, PA: Released September 2011. http://us.elsevierhealth.com. ISBN: 978-1-4160-2527-6
Written by expert surgeons and educators, Current Therapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery covers the latest treatment strategies, surgical techniques, and potential complications in OMS. Emphasizing an evidence-based approach, it covers all 12 subspecialties of OMS, addressing topics from surgical principles to oral surgery, anesthesia, cranio-maxillofacial trauma surgery, head and neck surgery, maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, orthognathic surgery, pediatric craniofacial surgery including cleft lip and palate, temporomandibular joint disorders, facial plastic surgery including rhinoplasty and facelifts, obstructive sleep apnea, and oral and maxillofacial infections. At the end of each chapter, Pearls and Pitfalls summarize the authors' insight, recommendations, and experience on that topic. Editor Dr. Shahrokh Bagheri is a noted professor, researcher, and speaker on OMS, and he leads an expert author team including Dr. R. Bryan Bell and Dr. Husain Ali Khan to help you master and apply the latest advances in OMS. See Portuguese translation.