Myth #1: It’s painful and many people can’t even finish the procedure once they start!
While there is some mild discomfort with the procedure, it doesn’t have to be VERY uncomfortable. Most health care providers who perform Ultherapy® will pre-treat with a sedative such as valium and also give ibuprofen one hour prior to the procedure; however, this is very often inadequate. I have found that topical and a small amount of local anesthesia in key areas of the treatment can greatly reduce the discomfort so that patients have minimal to no pain. Unfortunately, many health care providers don’t take this extra step since it adds time to the procedure and requires an additional level of expertise.
Myth #2: The results don’t last very long, and the treatment must be repeated.
The treatment results are gradual and natural looking, with initial improvements noticed as soon as two weeks after treatment. The improvements will continue over 3-6 months and even longer for the maximum results. Occasionally, people will opt for a touch up procedure after a year or 2; however, the results are permanent in the sense that you will always look better than you otherwise would have had you not had the procedure due to the creation of new collagen.
Myth #3: I should shop around for the best possible price.
We all know cheaper is not necessarily better, and this is especially true when it comes to cosmetic work on the face and neck. Saving a couple hundred dollars here and there could cost you in the long run with a less than optimal result. As explained above, not all Ultherapy® treatments are the same, and the results can vary based upon who is doing the procedure. Also, your level of comfort during the procedure can vary as well based upon the experience, skill, and anesthetic technique of the person performing Ultherapy®.
Myth #4: Ultherapy can replace a surgical facelift.
While Ultherapy® can provide a very nice improvement, it will never replace the results of a surgical facelift. A facelift will result in more lifting and tightening since excess skin is removed. The ideal Ultherapy® candidate falls into four general categories:
1) Someone who does not “need” a facelift yet. (younger patient)
2) Someone who cannot medically undergo a surgical procedure
3) Someone who does not want a surgical procedure
4) Someone who has had previous surgery and wants a little tuck up
Call Aesthetics International USA at 678-691-0880 today to schedule your consultation!